Fou - Fuera de LO COmún
A 13-year journey | Fou Culture
Posted by      10/29/2021 17:06:54     Handmade    Comments 0

Hey FOUlano! Birthday is a great moment and for US it goes beyond accumulating turns in the sun, for the Fou at heart, birthday means celebrating life, creation and the beginning of something different.

Let's think about it this way, a new year is the opportunity to reinvent yourself and continue building a path towards your dreams. In our case, the adventure goes back 13 years, Yes! 13 years, when a couple of crazy people known as Cisco and Moni decided to start their project. Now, that dream runs at unattainable paces. Yes people, that dream is called FOU and it has a community that grows more and more and more every day.

There are many of us Fou who decided to live a life Outside the Ordinary and now, on our 13th birthday, we reaffirm it. 

And FOU goes beyond our garments, because we wanted to focus on our customers and give them the freedom to identify with a brand that gives them good vibes, tranquility and a concept that welcomes them.

Let's contextualize!

Before continuing to talk about ourselves, our community and others, we want to tell you about the journey we have had in these 13 years in which the dream of embarking on this path became a reality. TODAY we are a brand, a community and above all, a FOU family. 

It is important to say that the start of FOU was only with $80,000, yes people, the desire to show our work was more than the desire to make money; And you won't believe it, but with those 80K we were able to start with nothing more and nothing less than 20 printed t-shirts, a perfect number to start at that time. 

From the beginning, our concept has always been (and will be) to leave a strong message through the silhouette or print of the t-shirts we design, with the ultimate goal of identifying each daring CRAZY person who wears them.


Moto vespa "La Negra"

One of the most beautiful things from that time and that we still remember with love, is "La Negra", a Vespa px150 motorcycle that began this journey with us distributing our t-shirts from door to door to all the friends and recommendations that today, more than friends, they are #amigosfou.

As a winery and showroom, we had the Cis room; The kitchen, on the other hand, was the sales area, always to the sound of a red wine made in tower fretwork.

Another prosperous memory is our first design fair “Alfombra Fckxia” led by a crazy man named Mars Arango (@marsarango), an art lover and faithful to local design. That opportunity opened our minds to think about having a physical point of sale, since the recurring question at the fair was, Where can I find them? Do you have a physical store?, etc. This was, then, the little bug and the trigger to open our first official ship “FouLaureles”.

From its beginnings it was a meeting center and main point to make clients who today are soul friends, clients who were looking for the same thing as us: a message that would identify them as an FOU being, a crazy lover of music, art, life. 

We built the first Laureles ship with our hands, piece by piece, just as we do with each of the garments that identify us. Now, we can say that we are 2 official ships roaming the city and an Online Ship browsing the world of the internet, which allows us to reach any corner of the planet.

On that path it is worth saying that we had different logos, all focused on the same concept: "human madness"... but what is crazier than a UFO, than thinking about life beyond the clouds and discovering what crazy people always see in things that others don't see, that the options are infinite and that anything can be possible. This last idea led us to focus our last and best-known UFO of FOU.

And well, foulanos, TODAY, after 13 years, we are at the epicenter of the response to what we have always wanted for the FOU brand. 

We are 2 crazy people, Cisco and Moni, as many know us “Los fou” designers from Medellin wanting to interpret that crazy person that each one has inside, carrying the message through the wardrobe.

“We do not design clothes, we transmit a lifestyle through our living clothes.”

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