To create the clothes that you imagine but that you don't see anywhere else, this ship called FOU - Out of the ordinary, which has been orbiting history for more than 13 years, continues to do great crazy things so that you elevate your look and enjoy combining it to the fullest. your garments with the colors, textures and accessories that you like the most.
One of our rules is that they are made to be broken, we like to go outside the mold and surprise you every day, but if you asked us why Fou is design?, there would be many answers, but mainly what we would say is because we are the sum of everything, crazy ideas, new trends, adventure and space.
This is why when you wear clothes like the black roots shirt, black roots kurta and the peyote t-shirt you become a masterpiece, which fuses your personality with what we are as a company, just like Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso or Frida Kahlo, Our proposals always seek to be an expression of emotions, lifestyles and how we imagine the world.
As we have said before, at FOU we always like to go beyond the garments, because our main objective will always be your comfort, enjoyment and offering you the freedom to identify with a brand that gives you good vibes, gets you out of the routine and It allows them to explore an infinite world of possibilities as they want to see themselves.
Dear Foulanos, every time we pick up a pencil and start drawing, scratching or writing, it is not just strokes or letters, it is imagining how you are going to feel when you wear that garment, it is wanting you to find the perfect hanger to live days away from LO Common, with a design that identifies you and cannot be found anywhere else.
Hey, crazy, if the planets have aligned, or by chance, luck or mysticism you have arrived here, we want to say welcome to this ship of crazy people where we love the different and we want you to be part of it, follow us on our digital channels and let's chat your favorite social network.
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